by Galina Krasskova

spearsScathach can give you courage and personal discipline. She can be called on when you are a student of any art or skill that is somewhat grueling and will require you to grit your teeth and throw yourself at the material. An altar to her might contain knives and other weapons, feathers, and a glass of whisky. As "the shadowy one", greys and browns are good colors for her.

One nice way to honor Scathach and your warrior dead is to donate to an organization that supports our veterans today. If your ancestors hadn’t put their own lives on the line, taking up arms to defend their families, villages, and tribes you might just not be here today. It’s a sobering thought and one that demands a little respect. There are many military and veterans’ organizations to which one can donate out there, but (writing from the US) I like DAV and Fisher House.